A Program of Boys & Girls Clubs of San Francisco

Camp Mendocino is owned and operated by Boys & Girls Clubs of San Francisco (BGCSF), a San Francisco institution dedicated to the youth who need us most since 1891. BGCSF is a nationally recognized leader in youth development.
Former Club members, Bud Karp, Gino Westcott and Leroy Sims, approached Les Andersen, the Club's Executive Director, with the idea of forming a group of volunteer tradesmen dedicated to maintaining and developing the Camp Mendocino facility. The group took on the name "the Purple Kumquats" and launched in 1965—the leadership formed a cohesive group of 25 members who tackled comprehensive design and construction projects. The “Kumquats” or “PKs” remain an organized volunteer group comprised mostly of former Camp Mendocino campers who donate their time, skills, and resources to the ongoing maintenance, development, and beautification of Camp Mendocino. Camp Mendocino owes its top-notch buildings and infrastructure to the generosity of the Purple Kumquats over the past 50 years.
Fishing program in 1966
Design and construction of the Maintenance Complex
Design and construction of the Power Generation Facility
Design and construction of all underground utilities, including electrical, water and gas lines
Design and construction of Kitchen Facility, including Refrigeration System
Construction of the Laundry Facility
Construction of the Purple Kumquat Lodge
Construction of Dr. Callander Lodge
Construction of the Bridge over the Noyo River
Re-construction of the swinging bridge over the Noyo River
Construction of the Les Andersen Dining Hall Extension
Re-construction of the Amphitheater
Construction of the Craft Shop Facility
Construction of the Train Shack Facility
Design and construction of outdoor lighting system
Design and construction of the water storage system
Construction of the water filter system
Construction of the new jungle gym
Construction of the baseball field
Installation of a two new 70kw generators
Construction of the Discovery Center
Renovation of 9 bathrooms in the PK lodge
Building of the new Arts & Crafts arbor
Building of the new front gate
Building of the teepee decks for the youngest female campers
Building of the new bike building
Overhaul of generator building
Renovation of the maintenance house (Doll House)
Rebuilding of the amphitheater stage wall
Renovation of the Camp Office